Abdoulaye Mamani was an activist, trade unionist, journalist and writer, and was one of the most significant personalities of the pan-African independence movement. Throughout his life, he campaigned for freedom and self-determination for his country, Niger. As a critical intellectual, he was banished from the official historiography of Niger, but his works remained in collective memory, especially his historical novel SARRAOUNIA, which was adapted for screen by Mauritanian director Med Hondo and can also be viewed at this year’s festival (see p. .....).
Twenty-six years after the politician’s death, his daughter, filmmaker Amina Abdoulaye Mamani, returns to Niger to document her father’s life, and with it the story of a whole country, through archive footage, contemporary witness accounts and interviews with his friends and associates.

In cooperation with Jutta Vogel Stiftung and Katholisches Bildungswerk Köln

SUR LES TRACES DE MAMANI ABDOULAYE Direction: Amina Mamani Abdoulaye, DCP, OF m. engl. UT, 63 min


Amina Mamani Abdoulaye graduated in production and directing from the Training Institute for Information and Communication Techniques (IFTIC) in Niamey, the capital of Niger, in 2012. In 2013, her graduation film won the prize for the best documentary in the film schools section at the pan-African film festival FESPACO in Ouagadougou. In 2014, she directed the film LE SILENCE DES PAPIERS, which she presented at several festivals including the Festival des Cinémas d'Afrique in Apt, France. This was followed in 2018 by her most successful film to date, SUR LES TRACES DE MAMANI ABDOULAYE. This cinematic portrait of her father – who was a writer and fought for Niger’s independence – was screened not only at festivals in Algeria, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Cameroon, Nigeria and at Mashariki in Rwanda, but also in Amiens, Lausanne and New York. It is also part of the programme of the 18th AFFK in 2021.