kein Ort Ticketshop

Hip Hop: Poetry as Empowerment
Paul wants to encourage students to playfully expand their vocabulary and get a feel for French - For school classes of all levels.
Getting to know and comparing realities of life
Nizar presents his short film I HEARD THEY CHANGE COLOUR. The film shows realities of life in another city, on another continent. Yet there are many references to compare and to find similarities...
Art and activism in Kinshasa
Paul and Nizar have made a film about the art scene in Kinshasa with their collective FAIRE PART. This lively scene acts politically and deals with colonialism, among other things. This thematic field offers many possibilities for both art and politics lessons.
School workshops wit Paul Shemisi and Nizar Saleh
18.09. - 22.09.2023
Gesamtschule Holweide, Gymnasium Kreuzgasse, Hansa-Gymnasium, Adolf-Kolping-Berufskolleg Kerpen-Horrem; BBZ Grevenbroich
FAIRE-PART Direction: Collectif Faire-part, digital, OmeU, 60 min

Paul Shemisi is a photographer, documentary filmmaker and hip-hop poet. His work, whether as a poet or behind the camera, shows his Kinshasa: an artistically flourishing cosmopolitan city with an incomparable inventiveness, the daily weapon of resistance and the engine of resilience for the population. He will offer hip-hop workshops in French at schools in Cologne, which aims to use a foreign language in a playful way and as a tool for empowerment.
Since 2016, Paul Shemisi and Nizar Saleh have formed the collective FAIRE-PART together with the two Belgian-based filmmakers Anne Reijniers and Rob Jacobs. Their common theme is above all decolonisation. Their film FAIRE-PART about art and activism in Kinshasa will be shown this year within school workshops.