Filmforum Ludwig Ticketshop

In this episode we meet Ethiopian/Eritrean Missla Libsekal. She is the founder of the online publication Another Africa, which embraces collaboration to counter the assumed perspectives of Africa and Africans. Senegalese/French photographer Delphine Diallo shares her passion and challenges in mindfully shifting her lens between Dakar and New York.
AFRIPEDIA X NEW YORK Direction: Teddy Goitom, DCP, OF m. engl. UT, 15 min

Teddy Goitom has ancestors in Ethiopia and Eritrea and grew up in Sweden. He has won awards as a producer and director, and has two decades of experience as a social activist. Goitom‘s production AFRIPEDIA is a documentary series in five parts. It portrays the generation of young creative Africans of today, who challenge common prejudices and stereotypical ideas about Africa. He presented this series at the 18th Africa Film Festival Cologne once again. This year, together with Liz Gomis, he developed the workshop and film programme for students.

Liz Gomis is a journalist and filmmaker who studied cultural mediation and communication and audiovisual journalism in Paris. She is columnist for the French radio station “Radio Nova” and a member of an advisory board on Afro-French relations founded by President Emmanuel Macron. In this role, she also works on restoring and digitising African films. This year, together with Teddy Giotom, she developed the workshop and film programme for students.