Alte Feuerwache Ticketshop

Comics in and from Africa
12. - 27.9.
Alte Feuerwache Köln
Wednesday 13.9. , 15.9. until 27.9. daily 15:00 - 19:00
Cooperation: Goethe-Institut Bonn
The African comic scene is as diverse as the continent itself. The AFRICOMICS project initiated by the Goethe-Institut Accra 2020 enabled comic artists from sub-Saharan Africa to network internationally and develop new ideas and storyboards in local and regional workshops. More than 190 artists took part in the 2021 - 2022 workshops and 82 comics were developed.
A selection of these comics will now be shown for the first time in the form of an exhibition at the Africa Film Festival Cologne.
Odile Uwera from Rwanda and Brian Humura from Uganda have been invited to Cologne to open the exhibition and personally present their comics NAMELESS IN CAPE COAST and THE COG. Both artists use their comics to visually address political and socially relevant issues such as enslavement, colonialism and human trafficking.
In addition to the exhibition, workshops will address a wide range of socially relevant topics, encouraging discussion, participation and reflection.
In cooperation with Goethe-Institut Bonn
Eine Comic-Ausstellung mit Rahmenprogramm wie Live-Music, Workshops und Diskussionen.
Dienstag 12.9. - 19:00 Uhr Eröffnung
Mittwoch 13.9. , 15.9. bis 27.9. täglich 15:00 - 19:00
in der Austellungshalle der Alten Feuerwache Köln